Investor Update

27 Mar, 2025Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY24 Earnings
31 Jan, 2025Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY24 Marketing Sales
31 Oct, 2024Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M24 Earnings and 9M24 Marketing Sales Achievement
30 Jul, 2024Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H24 Earnings and 1H24 Marketing Sales Achievement
30 Apr, 2024Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1Q24 Earnings and 1Q24 Marketing Sales
01 Apr, 2024Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY23 Earnings
30 Jan, 2024Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY23 Marketing Sales
30 Oct, 2023Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M23 Earnings and 9M23 Marketing Sales Achievement
31 Jul, 2023Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H23 Earnings and 1H23 Marketing Sales Achievement
01 May, 2023Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1Q23 Earnings and 1Q23 Marketing Sales Achievement
31 Mar, 2023Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY22 Earnings
09 Feb, 2023Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY22 Marketing Sales Achievement
30 Nov, 2022Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M22 Earnings
11 Nov, 2022Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M22 Marketing Sales Achievement
31 Aug, 2022Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H22 Earnings
20 Jul, 2022Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H22 Marketing Sales Achievement
27 May, 2022Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1Q22 Earnings
27 Apr, 2022Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY21 Earnings and 1Q22 Marketing Sales Achievement
24 Jan, 2022Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY21 Marketing Sales Achievement
19 Nov, 2021Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M21 Earnings
01 Nov, 2021Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M21 Marketing Sales Achievement
31 Aug, 2021Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H21 Earnings
30 Jul, 2021Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H21 Marketing Sales Achievement
28 May, 2021Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1Q21 Earnings
30 Apr, 2021Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY20 Earnings and 1Q21 Marketing Sales Achievement
20 Jan, 2021Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY20 Marketing Sales Achievement
18 Nov, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M20 Earnings
19 Oct, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M20 Marketing Sales Achievement
30 Jul, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H20 Earnings
15 Jul, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H20 Marketing Sales Achievement
12 Jun, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1Q20 Earnings
05 May, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1Q20 Marketing Sales Achievement
06 Apr, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY19 Earnings
21 Jan, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY19 Marketing Sales Achievement
28 Oct, 2019Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M19 Earnings & Marketing Sales
20 Sep, 2019Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H19 Earnings
31 Jul, 2019Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H19 Marketing Sales Achievement
30 Apr, 2019Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1Q19 Earning and Marketing Sales Achievement
29 Mar, 2019Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY18 Earnings
22 Jan, 2019Investor Update : Investor Intiland Books Rp2.28 Trillion Marketing Sales in 2018
31 Oct, 2018Investor Update : Intiland Announces 9M18 Earnings & Marketing Sales
14 Aug, 2018Investor Update : Intiland Announces 1H18 Earnings
23 Jul, 2018Investor Update : Intiland Announces 1H18 Marketing Sales Achievement
17 May, 2018Investor Update : Intiland Announces 1Q18 Earnings
16 Apr, 2018Investor Update : 1Q18 Marketing Sales Achievement
27 Mar, 2018Investor Update : Intiland Announces FY17 Earnings
15 Feb, 2018Investor Update: FY18 Marketing Sales Target
31 Jan, 2018Investor Update : FY17 Marketing Sales Achievement
30 Oct, 2017Press Release: Intiland Reports Rp1.7 Trillion In Operating Revenue
19 Oct, 2017Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M17 Marketing Sales
25 Aug, 2017Investor Update - Disclosure of Information on Material Fact Concerning the Establishment of Joint Venture
27 Jul, 2017Intiland Announces 1H17 Earnings
17 Jul, 2017Disclosure: Investor Update - 17 July 2017: Intiland Announces 1H17 Marketing Sales
28 Apr, 2017Investor Update - Intiland Announces 1Q17 Earnings
21 Apr, 2017Disclosure: Investor Update - 21 April 2017: Intiland Announces 1Q17 Marketing Sales
31 Mar, 2017Investor Update - Intiland Announces FY16 Earning
25 Jan, 2017Investor Update - FY16 Marketing Sales Achievement & FY17 Marketing Sales Target