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Financial Report

Financial PeriodDownload
Full Year Ended December 31, 2024Download
Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2024Download
Second Quarter Ended June 30, 2024Download
First Quarter Ended March 31, 2024Download
Full Year Ended December 31, 2023Download
Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2023Download
Second Quarter Ended June 30, 2023Download
First Quarter Ended March 31, 2023Download
Full Year Ended December 31, 2022Download
Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2022Download
Second Quarter Ended June 30, 2022Download
First Quarter Ended March 31 2022Download
Full Year Ended December 31, 2021Download
Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2021Download
Second Quarter Ended June 30, 2021Download
First Quarter Ended March 31, 2021Download
Full Year Ended December 31, 2020Download
Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2020Download
Second Quarter Ended June 30, 2020Download
First Quarter Ended March 31, 2020Download
Full Year Ended December 31, 2019Download
Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2019Download
Second Quarter Ended June 30, 2019Download
First Quarter Ended March 31, 2019Download
Full Year Ended December 31, 2018Download
Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2018Download
Second Quarter Ended June 30, 2018Download
First Quarter Ended March 31, 2018Download
Full Year Ended December 31, 2017Download
Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2017Download
Second Quarter Ended June 30, 2017Download
First Quarter Ended March 31, 2017Download
Full Year Ended December 31, 2016Download
Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2016Download
Second Quarter Ended June 30, 2016Download
First Quarter Ended March 31, 2016Download

Presentation Slide

DILD Public Expose Material 2025Download
Corporate Presentation 3Q 2024Download
Corporate Presentation 1H 2024
Corporate Presentation 1Q 2024Download
Corporate Presentation FY 2023Download
Corporate Presentation 3Q 2023Download
Corporate Presentation 1H 2023Download
Corporate Presentation 1Q 2023Download
Corporate Presentation FY 2022Download
Corporate Presentation 3Q 2022Download
Corporate Presentation 1H 2022Download
Corporate Presentation 1Q 2022Download
Corporate Presentation FY21Download
Corporate Presentation 3Q 2021Download
Corporate Presentation 1H 2021Download
Corporate Presentation 1Q 2021Download
Corporate Presentation 4Q 2020Download
Corporate Presentation 3Q 2020Download
Corporate Presentation: 2Q 2020Download
Corporate Presentation 1Q 2020Download
Corporate Presentation 4Q 2019Download
Corporate Presentation 3Q 2019Download
Corporate Presentation 2Q 2019Download
CGS-CIMB 2019 Non-Deal RoadshowDownload
Citi Indonesia Investor Conference 2019Download
CGS-CIMB 13th Annual Indonesia ConferenceDownload
Corporate Presentation 1Q 2019Download
Public Expose 2019Download

Annual Report

Annual Report 2023Sustaining Strength Amidst DynamicsDownload
Annual Report 2022Optimizing Resources to Create Unlimited OpportunitiesDownload
Annual Report 2021Consolidating Competencies to Redefine the FutureDownload
Annual Report 2020Strengthening Resilience Towards New WaysDownload
Annual Report 2019Exploring OpportunitiesDownload
Annual Report 2018Resilience Towards StabilityDownload
Annual Report 2017Turning Obstacles Into OpportunilitesDownload
Annual Report 2016Rising Above ChallengesDownload
Annual Report 2015 Capitalizing StrengthDownload
Annual Report 2014Dynamic SustainabilityDownload
Annual Report 2013Sustaining GrowthDownload
Annual Report 2012Stay the CourseDownload
Annual Report 2011 Leading the WayDownload
Annual Report 2010Strong and SustainableDownload
Annual Report 2009Fulfilling the DreamsDownload
Annual Report 2008Rising Up to the ChallengesDownload

Investor Update

27 Mar, 2025Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY24 Earnings
31 Jan, 2025Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY24 Marketing Sales
31 Oct, 2024Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M24 Earnings and 9M24 Marketing Sales Achievement
30 Jul, 2024Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H24 Earnings and 1H24 Marketing Sales Achievement
30 Apr, 2024Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1Q24 Earnings and 1Q24 Marketing Sales
01 Apr, 2024Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY23 Earnings
30 Jan, 2024Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY23 Marketing Sales
30 Oct, 2023Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M23 Earnings and 9M23 Marketing Sales Achievement
31 Jul, 2023Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H23 Earnings and 1H23 Marketing Sales Achievement
01 May, 2023Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1Q23 Earnings and 1Q23 Marketing Sales Achievement
31 Mar, 2023Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY22 Earnings
09 Feb, 2023Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY22 Marketing Sales Achievement
30 Nov, 2022Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M22 Earnings
11 Nov, 2022Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M22 Marketing Sales Achievement
31 Aug, 2022Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H22 Earnings
20 Jul, 2022Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H22 Marketing Sales Achievement
27 May, 2022Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1Q22 Earnings
27 Apr, 2022Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY21 Earnings and 1Q22 Marketing Sales Achievement
24 Jan, 2022Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY21 Marketing Sales Achievement
19 Nov, 2021Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M21 Earnings
01 Nov, 2021Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M21 Marketing Sales Achievement
31 Aug, 2021Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H21 Earnings
30 Jul, 2021Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H21 Marketing Sales Achievement
28 May, 2021Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1Q21 Earnings
30 Apr, 2021Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY20 Earnings and 1Q21 Marketing Sales Achievement
20 Jan, 2021Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY20 Marketing Sales Achievement
18 Nov, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M20 Earnings
19 Oct, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M20 Marketing Sales Achievement
30 Jul, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H20 Earnings
15 Jul, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H20 Marketing Sales Achievement
12 Jun, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1Q20 Earnings
05 May, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1Q20 Marketing Sales Achievement
06 Apr, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY19 Earnings
21 Jan, 2020Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY19 Marketing Sales Achievement
28 Oct, 2019Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M19 Earnings & Marketing Sales
20 Sep, 2019Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H19 Earnings
31 Jul, 2019Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1H19 Marketing Sales Achievement
30 Apr, 2019Investor Update: Intiland Announces 1Q19 Earning and Marketing Sales Achievement
29 Mar, 2019Investor Update: Intiland Announces FY18 Earnings
22 Jan, 2019Investor Update : Investor Intiland Books Rp2.28 Trillion Marketing Sales in 2018
31 Oct, 2018Investor Update : Intiland Announces 9M18 Earnings & Marketing Sales
14 Aug, 2018Investor Update : Intiland Announces 1H18 Earnings
23 Jul, 2018Investor Update : Intiland Announces 1H18 Marketing Sales Achievement
17 May, 2018Investor Update : Intiland Announces 1Q18 Earnings
16 Apr, 2018Investor Update : 1Q18 Marketing Sales Achievement
27 Mar, 2018Investor Update : Intiland Announces FY17 Earnings
15 Feb, 2018Investor Update: FY18 Marketing Sales Target
31 Jan, 2018Investor Update : FY17 Marketing Sales Achievement
30 Oct, 2017Press Release: Intiland Reports Rp1.7 Trillion In Operating Revenue
19 Oct, 2017Investor Update: Intiland Announces 9M17 Marketing Sales
25 Aug, 2017Investor Update - Disclosure of Information on Material Fact Concerning the Establishment of Joint Venture
27 Jul, 2017Intiland Announces 1H17 Earnings
17 Jul, 2017Disclosure: Investor Update - 17 July 2017: Intiland Announces 1H17 Marketing Sales
28 Apr, 2017Investor Update - Intiland Announces 1Q17 Earnings
21 Apr, 2017Disclosure: Investor Update - 21 April 2017: Intiland Announces 1Q17 Marketing Sales
31 Mar, 2017Investor Update - Intiland Announces FY16 Earning
25 Jan, 2017Investor Update - FY16 Marketing Sales Achievement & FY17 Marketing Sales Target